Why is it that you don't yet have all that you want in your life? Why is it that you never seem to be moving forward, making progress, or reaching your goals?
Could it be that there is some force out there holding you back? Could it be your competitors, your family, your friends, or could it be something closer to home?
Could it be... an "inside job?"
Well, my dear friend let me share with you what I learned recently while attending a seminar given by Carole Dore. You may not know her name, but when I share with you what she taught, I'm sure you'll identify with her message!
Let me start by saying that you get what you focus on. So if you focus your thoughts on what you don't want in your life, you get more of what it is that you don't want. Most often, people know what they don't want and will typically be really quick to tell you so!
So let me ask you, what do you really want from your life. I mean, how often do you stop to think about your life in terms of how you would most like it to be, rather than how much you may not like the way it is now?
Now, if you focus on what it is that you do want, you will get it... and often much more of it than you asked for!
You are your thoughts. In fact, our lives are merely the printout of our innermost thoughts. And you thought that you could think whatever you wanted and that nobody could ever tell, right? You are your thoughts. You get what you think about most often.
If that is true, then look at your life, your business, and even your relationships right now. Do you like what you see? Are you happy with what you have? Or do you really want more?
What have you been thinking about? Do you focus on how little money you make in your business, so you actually begin to make LESS money? Do you spend your day complaining about your significant other so instead of making things better, they actually get worse as time goes on?
Are you constantly bothered by what your neighbor is doing instead of being focused on what you are doing?
Or, are you the type of person who can really overlook all the negative stuff that surrounds you and truly focus instead on what it is you really want in your life? If you are this type of person, I'll bet that your life is a happy one.
Do you think about your business in terms of what it is like to actually be the owner of the most successful business on the block? Do you see yourself living the good life, owning real estate, or even traveling the world?
Many people actually do focus on what it is that they really want in their lives, and still they don't get what they want! Now, wait a minute, didn't I just say that you get what you focus on? You bet I did!
What happens is that you may focus on what you want until you encounter the first obstacle to get in your way. At that very moment, your vision is crushed, and the dream dies.
You see, life is testing you and I all the time. And when you don't give up on your dreams, even when it seems all hope is lost, what most often happens is that your dreams are realized - quicker and more powerfully than ever!
How often have you kept at it, even in the face of adversity, only to realize your dream shortly thereafter?
I can tell you from my own experience that this has happened in my own life on many occasions. Building a successful business is a process that takes time, energy, effort, and most of all it means that you never lose sight of your dreams.
I know many people who lost sight of their dream of business ownership and who are today working at jobs they hate for bosses they don't respect. Their lives reflect their pain in poor bank accounts and poor relationships. The good news is that this does not have to be the way they go through life!
Listen, if this is indeed your life, and you are indeed going to make a success of it, why would you ever let anything come between you and your dreams? Start out by making a decision right now that you will do what it takes to get what you really want in your life.
Create a powerful, highly detailed vision of what your life looks and feels like when you have what it is that you really want.
Spend a lot of time on your vision. Make it as vivid as you can. Feel how it feels inside, see it, smell it, taste it, and touch it. Make it so real that your mind cannot tell that it is not already real in your life.
Then, stick to it. Keep focused on your vision no matter what happens in your life and you will realize your dream - life is simply set up that way.
In 1989 I began selling for the very first time online. Today, I am one of America's top Internet marketers because I stuck to my vision of becoming this very person. It didn't happen over night. It took years and tens of thousands of hours surfing the Internet. And there were many times where I could have just quit, but I never did. I kept my dream alive in my heart.
And because I didn't quit, I get the honor and privilege to sit here and write to you today. To teach you what I know. And I get to live the life of my dreams, living in the most temperate climate in the entire country.
These things are real today in my life because I made a decision, created a vision, and I stuck to it no matter how hard things became.
Today I get to teach thousands of people how to make money on the Internet. And, I get to meet new people all the time, I get to travel, and I get to do what I want when I want.
And, you can too! You have the potential within you to make your life everything you've always wished it would become... and you can start right now!
This article is over. It's time for you to take action and make your life a life that is enjoyable in every way. You are the only one that can make it happen. . . so go to it!
Robert Imbriale is an internationally known Internet marketing expert who has helped sell well over $100 Million in products and services on the Internet. His work is published worldwide and he has written several books including "Internet Marketing Secrets" which is now available free on the Internet at http://www.ultimatewealth.com. Robert can be reached via e-mail at Robert@ultimatewealth.com.