Sunday, 30 May 2010

The Greatest Fear Of All


Have you attended meetings where you wanted and were expected to contribute and simply did not dare to get up and be heard? Have you toyed with the idea of giving workshops to increase your business, but shied away because you were too scared to get up in front of an audience?

Why is it that so many us, who have worthwhile contributions to make, avoid getting up in front of a group of people, to put our thoughts into words? Why is it that small vocal minorities often seem to get their way? Why is it that Toastmasters International attracts over 170,000 members every year? Because many people are afraid to address an audience.

A U.S. publication, "The Book of Lists" reports that the greatest fear of people in North America is to get up in front of a group of people to make a presentation. You are not alone!

And what do most of us do to overcome this fear? We simply decline invitations to speak. In other words, we throw away opportunities for career advancement or increased business. We choose to remain in our comfort zone.

If we do accept to speak to an audience, we have a tendency to hide behind electronic wizardry rather than making our speech a promotional platform for ourselves and we fervently hope that the audience does not notice our shaking knees, trembling hands and quivering voice.

Real communication takes place when one human being reaches out to others by using his or her own natural wizardry. All the email, faxes and multi-media equipment in the world will not be able to replace the human voice, body language or emotion in communication.

Presentation skills are within all of us but we have often developed a negative attitude towards speaking in public. Many psychologists and therapists tend to agree that this phobia about public speaking might have developed as a learned negative behavior during our school years.

Kindergarten. Show and Tell. I bet you can recall several of your little class mates who were called upon by the teacher to do their "show and tell" in front of the class and who left their mark...on the floor, right in front of the whole class. That's how scared they were!

Elementary School. Presentations in front of the class. This was the period when we had crushes, and the subject of our admiration was snickering at our ineptness!

High School. How did the teacher always know the kid who had not prepared his or her homework? Another humiliation in front of our peers!

Is it any wonder that we grow up with this negative attitude about getting up in front of a group to make a presentation? Of course not! It is the result of negative conditioning. Since one of the greatest human motivations is the avoidance of pain, we have learned that speaking in front of a group is to be avoided at all costs, because it creates nothing but pain and embarrassment.

But there is hope, negative attitudes can be unlearned. We can learn effective ways to control this fear and to use our voice, body language and emotion to make successful presentations and deliver workshops that create results. Here are a few tips:

Read the complete article that provides various solutions to overcome this FEAR of speaking in front of a group, in our semi-monthly ezine. Visit the Speaker's Coach Website at:

Jacques Waisvisz The Ten Ps of Powerful Presentations Presentation Skills Seminars and Workshops The Speaker's Coach Ottawa, Ontario, K2B 8C5, Tel: 1 (613) 829-5980

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Turning Your Fear Into Courage To Make First Impressions Count

The top business people all say the same thing - first impressions count. Sounds easy, and it is easy for those few who can start a conversation with just about anyone but how many people do you know who are like that?

On the other hand when you're shy it's easy to avoid other people, shyness automatically comes with a PhD in how to creatively avoid people, especially strangers! However this tendency can prove detrimental to your business especially when you consider that your ultimate success can depend on approaching people and making a great first impression.

There is a better way; it is possible to use your mind in a simple yet powerful way that will make it easy for you to make a fantastic first impression. It involves applying peak performance principles in a special way.

Here's what I do when I´m at a conference and I spot someone I know that I ought to say Hello to although my initial tendency is to just avoid them and hope that they don't see me.

First of all, feel yourself standing tall, just pretend that you feel dynamic, powerful and enthusiastic and take on that posture. Breathe deeply, chest out, and smile so wide that you can feel the stretch in your cheeks. Even if you make believe you will still tend to come across far better with whoever you approach.

Then, as you approach him or her, hear yourself saying HI or HELLO inside your head. The key is to make the sound very, very loud inside your head, really exaggerate it to impress your mind with your intention.

Finally, visualize that person smiling as they recognize you and make sure to go overboard with the imagined picture in your mind as well. Make the picture twice as big as life size, make it 3D, in rich color and very bright and up close in your mind's eye.

All this takes just a few seconds when you get good at it, at first you may find it tricky, practice it with people you see about town and you'll soon find yourself greeting more people.

I also use this technique when I'm waiting in line at the bank, in a store etc. That way you get an opportunity to be friendlier with whoever is serving you and with the other people waiting in line.

In a short time you will find it easier and easier to start conversations with people you would not have dared to approach in the past. Do this day after day and the cumulative effect on your business will be staggering.

Keys to success:

1 Practice this skill daily until it becomes second nature to you.

2 Teach your staff how to approach people as well, by teaching this skill you will become even better yourself.

3 Remind yourself of the negative implications of not making a great first impression and the long-term effect on your business.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert and published author. Subscribe FREE to his upbeat newsletter and get a FREE e-book, Abolish Shyness - Steps to Success, which reveals secret strategies for supercharging your communication skills. To join send an email to:

Sunday, 23 May 2010

What Motivates You?

What motivates us to do the things that we do? Why do we think and behave as we do? What influences people to do what they do?

Is it all because of that one word MONEY, which drives us to do what we do? I think not.

The word "motivation" means different things to different people. One thing for sure is that you can't buy a jar of it: it has to come from within yourself. A person's brain needs constant motivational input just as muscles need exercise, engines need petrol and plants need water.

I used to think that motivation was a slick American fad and that it wasn't for me. After all, I was very motivated already!

People are the product of their thoughts and the aim of motivational material is to improve the quality of your thoughts. Motivation is nothing more than encouragement and we all perform better for it. Friends of mine say that I am a good motivator, because I simply encourage others.

"We become what we think about all day long." - Emerson

"Most people think only what everybody else is doing." - Earl Nightingale

The road to achievement starts with a goal. Implant that goal in your mind and think about it all day long. I am doing that with this manuscript and my goal is to have it published and be an author. I think I have taken the right action steps so far, so that I eventually reach my target. Pay the price by making sacrifices. Take small steps towards your goal every day, instead of occasional bursts of activity.

The principal difference between the average person and the one who is highly successful seems to be in the degree of his or her personal motivation. Motivation is the hidden power in the successful person's arsenal and is the key ingredient for success. Most people, I believe are motivated or have the potential if they are aroused and interested in the activity.

However, one thing is for sure: It is not something someone else can give you. It must be self-generated from within; it is not external "RA RA" hype. In other words, motivation is an inner energy, rather than a fire lit by others.

Strong motivation also stems from a deep rooted belief in what you are trying to do; it is strongest when it comes from your inner values. This creates a feeling of ENTHUSIASM which is essential in order to remain motivated. Look at the zeal of a missionary or a Jehovah's Witness. The best salesmen are those who get very excited about and have total faith in their products. They sell with a firm conviction that their product is the best available.


What influences people to do as they do? There are many diverse influences. It is difficult to pin-point which one is most important,but some factors are as follows: different cultures, socialenvironment and biological influences (e.g.. hunger, thirst) in work and in play. Other influences are our thoughts, our perceptions. Everyone is different and unique, so there are great individual differences in our drives.

There are two main sources of motivation: What will happen if you do? What will happen if you don't? For example, your doctor advises you to give up smoking. If you do, you will feel better and live longer; if you don't your health is going to deteriorate. Both sources (and implications) are equally powerful.

There is a strong correlation between motivation and achievement. Highly motivated people are nearly always achievers. Thrillseekers like sky-divers and stuntmen often need to do life threatening activities to keep them motivated. Danger gives them pleasure and keeps them motivated.

Why do we work? Is it just for money or is money merely a short-term issue? I am personally not motivated by money. I prefer interesting and exciting work that offers a challenge and the opportunity for personal growth. Others may feel the need for affiliation or to contribute to society. In the following chapter there is an exercise on this.

Understanding motivation gives us the power to accept our behaviour when we have strange reactions. It can also enable us to change what we think and do if we want to improve our behaviour or performance. So when going for a job it is critical to understand your motivations. What do you really want and expect from it?

What do others expect of you? Our behaviour is directly affected by our needs. If you are clear about the answers you will be happiest.


There are three main theories of motivation: 1. Desire for achievement 2. Desire for power 3. Desire for affiliation or sense of belonging.

These theories are linked to the concept of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside, for example, the prospect of fame, recognition, monetary rewards, gaining power, respect or social approval/belonging (=sense of affiliation). With intrinsic rewards, the task or situation is in itself motivating or compelling. Motivation is often defined in terms of our goals. Marie says that contributing to society by daring to be different is what motivates me - strange! I think that I get bored easily without a challenge. Enough about "little old me"!

There are six main steps or elements in the process of motivation.

1. Desire: First, to be motivated you must have an intense burning desire to get where or what you want.

2. Decision: You must make a conscious decision on what to aim for.

3. Determination: to climb mountains so that absolutely nothing will stop you. You need to be able to repeat the habits which are necessary to get there.

4. Discipline: It is critical to pay the price whether you like it or not. Motivation is strongest when it is the internalisation of your goals and dreams, in other words, when you are headed on a clear path in your life's direction.

5. Focus

6. Direction

Certain people have the constant challenge to reach and sustain an optimum level of motivation which overcomes problems and bringsresults. If there is no challenge in what you are doing, motivation will soon wither and die.

Always remember: The buck starts - and stops - with you.

Self knowledge is the key to self-motivation: - why do we behave as we do? - what makes us tick?

Also critical for motivation is the image or snapshot you have of yourself. This is based on your inner belief in yourself as well as your attitude and views of your strengths and weaknesses. If you believe in yourself and expect success, you will act confidently and be highly motivated.

Key Points of this lesson:

* We must define success for ourselves.

* Be aware of our own strengths and weaknesses.

* Your personal solutions lie within you.

* To sustain motivation, do better than in the past.

* Motivation often comes from a challenge.

* It is necessary at times to make a positive out of a negative.

* The most important thing for an achievement-orientated person is to have a clear goal.

What comes first? The chicken or the egg? Motivation or action? The answer surprisingly is Action. First, we have to prime the pump and the way is through action. People who tend to procrastinate confuse motivation and action.


Craig Lock has written extensively on the subject of time management, as well as in the field of self help. This extract is from his first published book HANDBOOK TO SURVIVE. or e-mail:

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Goals Mapping

You have the ability to attain whatever you seek; within you is every potential you can imagine. Always aim higher than you believe you can reach. So often, you'll discover that when your talents are set free by your imagination, you can achieve any goal. If people offer their help or wisdom as you go through life, accept it gratefully. You can learn much from those who have gone before you. But never be afraid or hesitant to step off the accepted path and head off in your own direction if your heart tells you that it's the right way for you. Always believe that you will ultimately succeed at whatever you do, and never forget the value of persistence, discipline, and determination. You are meant to be whatever you dream of becoming. -- Edmund O'Neill

When one starts out drawing the map of the journey of their life their are some rules to mapping this journey. "Thank Goodness for at this point I feel so overwhelmed that I don't know where to start," you say.

Ok let's begin the journey of a lifetime starts with the first step. Sometimes these steps are staggering and undecisive but they get stronger with each step one takes. Success is a choice. You must decide what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it. No one else can, will, or should do that for you.

So last week in Dream the Impossible Dream we had already begun to take steps toward mapping this journey. Staying focused is a close relative to being decisive, but your ability to sustain your focus from beginning to end determines the timing and condition of your outcomes. Again a lot depends on your belief in yourself to be able to keep on trudging when the going gets rough for we all have those times when we falter in our belief that this impossible dream can come true. This is the time to stay focused for if we scatter our power to the wind then we cannot achieve this impossible dream. When we try and do to many things at once and push ahead when we are too tired to go any further, we lose touch with ourselves. We no longer have long talks with ourselves and see where we are in this journey. Pushing ahead does not work and then we get discouraged so now at this time we need to stay decisive and focused like the little girl who knows that under that Christmas tree is the doll she dreamed of or the little boy who feels the wind in his hair as he rides that new bike. No one could tell them that the bike or the doll was not there.

Accepting failure along the way is an important part of any map. The fundamental question is not whether you should accept failure. You have no choice but to expect it as a temporary condition on the path way of progress. Rather, the question is how to anticipate failure and redirect resources to grow from the experience. Faliure gives one the incentive to go back to the drawing board and see where your map failed you, for you did not fail just part of the plan was not built on solid rock foundation. So learn from your experience and go on.

The game of life is won in the hours spent with oneself dreaming the Impossible dream. When you are open to a new path one will present itself. You must dig within your own unique prespective of life to find this dream and manifest it for it is yours and yours alone no other person can dream this particular dream. Friends can advise, relatives can guide you with their experiences but it is your dream that is manifesting on this journey not theirs. Remember that Your Future deserves consideration. It will someday be your present reality. It's worth considering seriously.

Some pitfalls that keep us from obtaining our goals is setting our goals to high or too low. One of the most frequent reasons why others find so much frustration with their goals is because they set them too high. Creating goals that are unattainable not only makes it impossible to succeed, but it also creates a negative attitude towards oneself. "I knew I couldn't do it." Well, setting a goal to be a ballerina when you are 65 is probably not very realistic. When you set goals too high and constantly fall short you may just give up.

The reverse of setting unattainable goals is when goals are set too low, there is no motivation to work hard. When you feel like you don't have to work that hard to reach your goals, you don't think about them nor do you really care if you reach it.

In order for people to feel compelled to work hard towards something, they must feel challenged. Setting goals too low decreases motivation and energy. So we go back to seeing in your minds eye the Christmas doll under the tree. You want her don't you? You get excited when you think about brushing her hair, riding her around in a buggy. So reach for the stars! You have within the potential to move moutains. Set your goals so each step brings you closer to them but they are not quite in reach. This keeps one excited about the journey. When you set your goals make sure they are both challenging and attainable. This way you will be motivated to work hard and feel the rush of success when you accomplish your goals! Anticipation is sometimes as exciting as rewards. So go on make your map one step at a time.

and remember it is good to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters, in the end........

Judi Singleton is the owner and webmistress Jassmine's World , and the editor of Jassmine's Journal, a free weekly ezine filled with articles and tips for living a more healthy and prosperous life. Subscribe free at:

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Follow through On Your Resolutions

As the new year approaches it's time to make your resolutions for the New Year.

You start the New Year with "Great Expectations." You set your goals for the coming year and you promise that this year you'll stick to them.

As time goes by you hit a set back here and an unexpected problem there and your goals fly out the window.

Why do you suppose that is?

I can tell you why. You've been programed to remember the negatives and forget the positives.

We lose our "Great Expectations" the first chance we get.

There's a story that illustrates this point.

There's a large group of individuals at a positive thinking rally. As the speaker is talking in walks a man with a ticket in his hand.

The speaker pauses and announces, "One of you has been chosen to receive $1,000,000.

What do you think flashes through their minds?

"I know it's not me, I never win anything."

A little later a man walks in with an executioners outfit on. The speaker announces this time, "I'm sorry, but one of you is about to be executed."

This time everyone is thinking, "Oh God, I know it's me."

Wow! Do you think like that?

So how do you make sure you stay focused and positive when things aren't going as expected?

There's a concept they use in the "Silva Method" called "Reference Points." Most positive thinking groups have similar concepts.

To create a reference point you pick the most successful event you remember. Every day you concentrate on your "Reference Point."


To focus your mind on the positives in your life. Nature abhors a vacuum. Left on it's own, your mind will fill the void with the recent negative events.

As soon as you reach a goal, you set a newer more positive "Reference Point."

Tame your mind, set your goals and keep your resolutions.

Start using "Reference Points" and Make Your Resolutions Stick."

John publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter. Subscribe now and receive access to our Free Internet Marketing Library: John has a special free bonus marketing course for you. "7 Days to Netting Big Money"

Thursday, 13 May 2010

How Does Inspiration Help With Motivation?

There is a difference between being inspired to motivation, and using mental reasoning, logic, and self knowledge. The former has an element of creativity, whereas thinking that you have all the knowledge needed to get motivated on a project, has an element of potential boredom and fatigue. We are assuming that you have already set your goals or desired outcomes, so goal setting is not the issue. It may be more of volition, or goal pursuit. It may be useful to firstly consider what may cause a lack of motivation, to get some insight into how inspiration is best to achieve motivation.

Let's use a case study for this first illustration. ( A true story, but I have changed my client's name ). Joe Blow has set his desired outcome to be a successful professional golfer. Joe had a fairly balanced lifestyle, socially, work, and support from his parents, even at the age of twenty seven. His passion, skill, and dedication saw him through all the years of practice and golf coaching. He was now a pro golfer. All the trappings went with it, such as the new $900 putter he showed me.

I met Joe not long after he started playing tournaments. He played well, but suddenly realised that occasionally he would lose it mentally, on an occasional hole. He didn't know why, so couldn't see a solution. How could he be so confident and motivated for the whole game, and yet still have occasional lapses. He was desperate, because he could see himself never winning a tournament.

No amount of additional coaching seemed to make any difference. He had the skills, knowledge, and motivation, so what was missing? It was quite simple, I told him. He had diverted, at times, from enjoying the euphoria of his skills and passion, to letting emotional stress take control. He might be in a tight situation, and instead of taking it in his stride, he let his mental thoughts create an emotional state that was tensing him up. How Does Inspiration Help With Motivation?

Joe realised that playing at a higher level of competition required more than just fitness and golfing skills. So how was he to get motivated to believe he could win in this new environment? He wasn't lacking any skills or desire, and so didn't think it was just a matter of more years of practice.

I gave him some brief instructions, and kept in touch by phone, as I was moving interstate. I told him to do this just before he went to bed, and as soon as he woke up. He had to visualise in detail, exactly how he would play each type of hole - the feel of the swing, his breathing, his confidence, his calm control all through a tournament. It was nothing new, but what he was doing, was reinforcing all this detail into his deep memory while he was very relaxed. So when he was in a tournament, he didn't need to stress, because he had already programmed into his own deep unconscious mind, his inspirational attitude. It just came naturally and effortlessly. He rang me about three weeks later to tell me he had won his first pro tournament, and even got an albatross.

This is part two of a series of motivation articles, soon to be available as a free PDF download

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Unending Long Term Motivation

Staying motivated is one of the hardest parts of staying productive. While we sometimes are brimming with energy and excited to tackle the day's work, more often than not we feel pretty sluggish about doing what the day demands. Often, these lulls in energy and productivity are simply lulls in motivation. By taking the steps you need to stay motivated more often than not, you'll find your productivity will skyrocket.

Keeping track of your progress is one of the easiest, and most effective, ways to stay motivated. Charting your progress provides a couple of motivation benefits. First, if you don't chart your progress, it will be difficult to be able to see the impact of all the work you've been doing. While sometimes rewards are slow coming, the reward of knowing that you are already well on your way can often be enough to keep you going. Similarly, charting your progress makes you accountable for keeping on task. Being accountable can be as simple as marking a red X on a wall calendar for every day that you complete a step towards your goal. Believe me; once you have a couple of red X's in a row, you're not going to want to break that chain.

Another way to stay motivated is to not fully commit yourself to the project from the start. I know that this sounds counter-intuitive, but most of the time when we set a goal we start out by attacking that goal from a very emotionally charged place. We decide upon the change we want to make in our life and we decide we're going to make a complete 180 degree turn to get there. Unfortunately, our motivation usually only lasts as long as that initial burst of energy. Once that initial surge is complete, our motivation fizzles out.

However, if you hold yourself back a bit and don't succumb entirely to your initial enthusiasm, you have a greater chance of sticking to your new habit. For instance, instead of saying that you're going to exercise for an hour a day, decide that you're only going to exercise for 10 to 20 minutes a day. By setting very simple and attainable daily actions, instead of large and unrealistic and impressive sounding actions, you'll feel less intimidated by the work and you'll be more likely to keep it up.

Finally, making your goal visible is a great way to stick with it. The first thing you want to do is find an image that symbolizes your goal to you. This can be easy if what you want is something you can purchase, like a cruise or a new car. Just find a picture of the car or the cruise liner, print it out and post it where you will see it often. If your goal is abstract, writing it out as an affirmation is a great way to make it visible and present. However you visualize the goal, just make sure that it is unambiguous and always near by. Whether you set the image as your desktop background or keep a copy of it in your wallet, keeping you goals clearly in mind at all times will go a long way towards keeping you motivated.

Sam has been writing articles for over 4 years. Come read some of his most recent articles, including one on buying rocking chair pads and another about purchasing a teak rocking chair.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Motivation and Personality - Which Type Are You?

Author: Peter Murphy

The level of motivation that a person has depends a lot on the personality of that person. If a person has the personality of a quiet, shy type of person, their motivation will come from living within that personality. They are more likely to get motivated in different ways to that of a person who has a loud and bold personality. If a person has a go-getter personality then their motivation will be strong and vivacious, with a nothing can stop them type attitude. Personality has a big impact on how we are motivated in our lives. Motivation and personality are definitely connected. There are three basic personalities that seem to be motivation for what we do and who we want to become. 1. The need for power This personality has a strong desire or drive to make people act or behave in a way that they would not otherwise behave. This type of motivation is usually found in a strong-willed person. They like to be in charge of situations. The motivation is more for power and prestige than doing a great job. 2. Need for achievement This type of personality has a strong drive to excel. This person usually strives to succeed at everything they try. They avoid really hard tasks as well as really easy tasks. They like 50/50 odds and are not gamblers. The motivation is to achieve it on their own with their own skills. 3. Need for affiliation This type of personality has the need for strong interpersonal relationships with others. This person is usually a soft-spoken quiet individual. This person strives for friendships. The motivation for this personality is being cooperative rather than being competitive. They seek mutual understanding. There are also combinations of one or more of these types of personalities, as well. They determine what motivates a person to do the things that they want and need to do. Whichever personality a person possesses, they need to start with goal setting to achieve motivation. The first step is setting goals that are realistic to your specific needs and wants. Try not to set these goals too high, nor too low. Either one of these will cause undesirable results. The goals must be possible to attain or they are useless to us. This step is essential to motivation. You can't be motivated if you do not have goals. Rewarding yourself for your hard work and effort is another essential part of learning motivation. There must be rewards for a job well done. It is what keeps us going. Motivation and personality do go hand in hand. As you can see, different people and personalities are motivated by different drives. Successes are measured by different motivations and rewards.

Article Source:

About the AuthorPeter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: motivation techniques

Monday, 3 May 2010

How to Stay Motivated in Life - 5 Motivational Tips That Work Like a Charm

Learning how to stay motivated in life is very important. After all, without motivation, you'll find yourself missing a certain something. You'll be unable to make the most of your potential and you'll find no happiness in what you're doing. That's certainly no way to live.

If you want to know how to stay motivated in life, read on.

Motivational Tip # 1: Think About Your Loved Ones.

There is no better motivation that the people you love. People have done great things in the name of love and of family.

There are a lot of people who hate their jobs, but stay with their employers anyway because they have a family to support. (Although this could motivate you, I would suggest finding work that you love if you really want to be happy.)

Motivational Tip # 2: Have A Vision.

Another powerful way on how to stay motivated in life is to have a vision. You must have a goal you're working for. Where do you see yourself 5 to 10 years from now?

Do you want to own your own home? Go to your dream vacation? Launch your own company? List your goals down and think about them every time you feel unmotivated.

Motivational Tip # 3: Surround Yourself With Positive People.

Hanging out with a group of people who are motivated will help you adopt the same frame of mind. Birds of the feather do flock together.

Don't hang around people who you know are only thinking negative thoughts. They have an uncanny power of making your heart heavy and your demeanor unpleasant. Not at all helpful when you're trying to be more motivated.

Motivational Tip # 4: Exercise.

Another effective tip on how to stay motivated in life is to exercise. Exercising actually keeps people happy and upbeat. It gives you more energy, which in turn helps you achieve more in life.

Follow a certain routine for a week or two, and then switch to something new. Don't push your body to the limit, however, as that may actually cause you the exact opposite of what you desire.

Motivational Tip # 5: Find Something Beautiful Everyday.

Motivation also comes easier when you're happy. So why don't you start by finding something to appreciate everyday? It could the way the sky looks peaceful in the early morning or the way the coffee smells from the coffee shop you always pass by on the way to work.

Learning how to stay motivated in life is easy. As soon as you make that first step, that first effort to motivate yourself, the rest will follow. Good luck on keeping yourself motivated!

To help you stay motivated to achieve your dreams, I'd like to give you FREE instant access to some of the best self-improvement eBooks worth over $2,355.00! Download them free at