Thursday, 29 April 2010

Deep And Meaningful Quotes: How 3 Motivational Quotes Can Greatly Improve Your Life

Author: Michael Lee

Deep and meaningful quotes are very important in relation with our lives. These may just be mere words, yet they are created to inspire us to live our lives with significance and worth. Deep and meaningful quotes motivate us to outshine the trials and challenges that may hinder us from attaining success. Here are some of the most important ones to ponder on… Deep and Meaningful Quotes # 1: "It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's equally good to check once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.” -- George Claude Lorimer Lorimer cited the importance of happiness for individuals who seem to have lost hope or are deeply engrossed with material possession or worldly success. Too many of us become too busy with our business or job, that we tend to ignore or take for granted the things that truly matter in life. Viewing the quote is a good way of being thankful for the persons and things that really make us live great lives. Deep and Meaningful Qu otes # 2: "You are as happy as you make up your mind to be.” – Abraham Lincoln The quote talks about real joy and radiating that feeling to the world. You have the choice to make your life better and happier right this very moment. Some individuals tell themselves that they'll be happy when they get this or that. However, once they achieve their first dream, they're never fully contented and then move on to say that they'll be happy when they achieve the next best thing. The bar always goes higher if you do not accept that you can be happy no matter what your current situation is. Deep and Meaningful Quotes # 3: "The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live.” -- Joan Borysenko Borysenko stresses the importance of living life to the fullest. Not one of us knows when our time will come. It implies how family, friendship, love, generosity and freedom matters. The goal is to leave a legacy even to just a few people, so you can truly say that your life was a blessing to others. The above-mentione d deep and meaningful quotes are definitely worth reading and applying to your life. To some, reading those quotes may appeal as corny for they haven’t really understood the true meaning of what these words convey. It may take some time for people to get accustomed to the lessons provided. The quotes can also serve as principles and guidelines when making major decisions. A lot of people would be very quick to choose one thing if they feel that it is the easiest and most convenient. Sometimes, quotes help us understand the value of delayed gratification, patience, honesty and other useful values. You should understand the proper application of these - depending on the situation - and make the critical move wisely. So seek to share these inspirational, deep and meaningful quotes to live by. You’ll never know when you have given them hope, reason, and direction to live.

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About the AuthorMichael Lee is generously giving away over $2,355.00 worth of the best self-help ebooks FREE for a limited time at Download as many as you want before you miss out! Discover breakthrough success secrets that can dramatically change your life.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Improve Self Motivation Using Affirmations

Author: Andy Bolton

What holds you back from achieving your dreams—or even daring to take them seriously? The first step toward success is self-motivation. There are a number of ways to help support the journey toward its accomplishment.It may not be easy to accept this, that we find otherwise quiet and retiring people jump from having nothing to experiencing abundance through the power of affirmations.Affirmations open up your mind to possibilities. Anything that may have been previously out of your grasp, comes within touching distance. But first you need to believe it is possible. What an affirmation actually does is to change your own perceptions and attitude towards yourself. Instead of being a useless person you can become the most valued in your profession, family or neighbourhood.Affirmations will unblock those previous barriers that have held you back. Brick walls become doors, high hurdles become small steps and huge ravines start to have their own bridges.As a result of derogative and demeaning comments when we were c hildren, these statements are sometimes carried through our life and subsequently they prevent us from achieving our dreams. If you can admit that this is true and such comments have being taken into adulthood then you must also see the flipside of that. Using affirmations lay those early comments to bed and allow the new 'positive affirmations' to take over and become more prominent in your mind.5 Steps to Positively Affirm your Affirmations1. Repetition is the first step in making affirmations work for you.2. Getting More Involved in affirmations helps the dialogue in your sub-conscious mind to cement them with both affection and assurance.3. Affirmations enpower... But you must take regular action to affirm your potential.4. Believe... Belief is important as a 'positive' affirmation means more than a half hearted statement.5. Resistance is natural. Affirmations can see results in hours, days, weeks and months. the more resistance to your affirmation the longer it will take to manifest Affirmations are also called self-talk, self-suggestions, attitude control, personal reminders, or simply talking to yourself. An affirmation is a statement that describes a goal in its already completed state. The word affirmation is redirected from a Latin word ‘affirmare’, which means ‘to assert.’ In layman terms, it means it is the declaration that assures something is true.Replace the Negative with the Positive. The purpose of the affirmation is to repeatedly tap into the subconscious mind for eventual positive and sustained change to achieve one’s desired result.Affirmations Will Change Your Thinking if you Allow... Opening up your mind will allow a new education. Keeping your mind closed will mean you carry on as normal. The fact that you are reading this means you are contemplating opening your mind.Crafting good, effective affirmations is not rocket science. When using affirmations, they should connect with as many of the senses as possible. In your mental experience and affirmation suggestions visit these senses one by o ne while repeating the same suggestion. Make sure your affirmation references are made and refer to the present moment. In essence, affirmations should always be accompanied by a mental image or visualization of your desire to the extent possible.Visualize and Repeat, Over and Over... That doesn’t mean every few seconds. That doesn’t mean get down to some ‘hard work’. It means allow it to come to mind and repeat as and when you so desire.Positive affirmations are words that offer power to the subconscious mind … to read more please visit this site: Andy BoltonSenior Affirmation AdvisorFor more information on ‘affirmations’ please visit this site:Affirmations + Positive Mental Attitude + Self Development = Success

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About the AuthorMr. Andy Bolton Senior Affirmation Advisor For more information on ‘affirmations’ please visit this site: Affirmations + Positive Mental Attitude + Self Development = Success Mr. A. Bolton Senior Internet Advisor / Analyst Multiple Website Hosting

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Operation: Motivation

Author: Daegan Smith

Good Charlotte had this song "Motivation Proclamation." If anything, the title should be everyone's personal theme. It confirms how motivation can invite all the positive things in life. When we were kids, we were motivated to do well in games so we would always win. When we were studying, our motivation to study hard was the idea that our parents would reward us. For college graduates, a future job was what motivated us. Motivation can take us far, we all know that. Losing the motivation to do something is a bad idea . That's why for suicidal people, death is the best option because they already lost the motivation to live. What is motivation anyway? It is that condition that triggers behavior and impels the person to do something. It is that desire that gives the energy and direction for goals. We need to know more about motivation as it can empower us more. Here are more information on motivation: 1. What is the importance of motivation? There are people like motivation theorists who question themselves how influential motivation is on behavior. They still ask themselves if behavior stem from the principles, environmental influences, emotions and personality or if motivation is truly inherent. Motivation is so important because it increases the response of a person to a certain event. For example, a sudden announcement that the one who can graduate with honors will receive a vacation to Jamaica will urge everyone to study harder. There was this guy who probably lost the motivation to go on with life. Then one day, he met a girl who instantly motivated him to continue living. That's a clear demonstration on the importance of behavior. 2. What is the relationship between motivation and emotion? Emotion is entirely different from motivation, that's one thing you need to know. Motivation can be an emotion, yes, but emotion per se needs not any affixed goal. Emotions come out because they are results to human-to-human and human-to-environment interactions. These two are related as you motivate yourself to change your feelings. 3. What is the source of motivation? We can categorize the source into two: extrinsic or intrinsic. Intrinsic (meaning, within the person) can be subcategorized into the physical, mental (which has the following: conative, affective and cognitive) and spiritual. Extrinsic means outside of the person.

4. What are the sources of motivational needs? a. Behavior or external This source is from a stimulus related to another stimulus. It has the rewards and the not-so-good consequences. b. Social Don't we all want to belong? This motivational need source means that we need to look for positive models. c. Biological It entails the following: sense activation as the senses of touch, smell and taste work themselves out, relieving hunger and thirst and keeping the body's homeostasis. d. Cognitive This covers personal dreams, self-efficacy maintenance, control of your life, meeting goals and accomplishing plans. e. Spiritual This is about understanding your purpose in life and finding out about faith and the unknown. 5. What are the theories of motivation? a. Behavioral Motivation Theory This simply states that behavior is important for motivation. b. Cognitive Motivation Theory. This states that motivation is equivalent to perceived success probability, success and reward connection and value of goal. 6. How to stay motivated? Now this is tricky. We always lose step and lose motivation altogether. How to keep it? a. Take goal setting seriously. b. Deal with your personal problems head-on. If it means attending therapy sessions and reading self-help books, do so. c. Solving the problem yourself. d. Never lack interest over something you've always been passionate about. e. Defeat the following self-deprecating behavior patterns like extreme dependence. f. Never make fear as your motivator. It will never lead you anywhere. g. Have fun with your life! Just being in control with your life and enjoying each moment will motivate you to do the best in every activity you find yourself in. Whether it is as menial as washing the dishes or as important as finishing college, motivation always leads you to the end, to your desired result. You can also be your friend's motivator! Pep them up, inspire them and you will see what satisfaction can that bring!

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About the AuthorDaegan Smith is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. "Learn How To Make $10,717 In Less Than a Week While Quickly And Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization Without EVER Buying a Single Lead?"

Monday, 19 April 2010

When the Going Gets Tough... Self Motivation

Author: Tomas Labas

Self motivation literally means enthusiasm or drive. It is the driving force that keeps people to push through even when the going gets tough sometimes. The root of self motivation is desire. It is the desire that drives you to value things and to identify what's relevant or irrelevant.

You can see the good results of self motivation from people who are already successful in their life. Moreover, people who are poorly motivated are those who suffer from the so-called inferiority complex. People who suffer from inferiority complex are those who are not confident of themselves.

According to psychologists, you have different kinds of desires. And all these desires are attributable to your desire to stay alive. In essence, self motivation is more involved with a man's emotions. It implies a positive feeling that keeps people from doing things. These people who are highly motivated are described as enthusiastic individuals. They are optimistic - they don't give up easily in reaching for their goals.

In layman's terms, self motivation pertains to determination. But if you would delve deeper into the actual meaning of self motivation, it's beyond that. self motivation can be understood completely when you study the different factors that affect it. Hence, this brings you down to the study of the various kinds of self motivation theories.

1. Maslow's Theory - Abraham Maslow is known for his humanistic theory. This theory of motivation states that the behavior of humans can be understood by means of their needs. Humans act depending on what they need. He devised the so-called hierarchy of needs. The needs of all individuals are distinguished into four main classifications namely: physiological needs, safety needs, belonging needs, esteem needs, self-actualization and deficit needs.

2. Herzberg's Two Factor Theory - this theory is devised by Frederick Herzberg. According to Herzberg, human motivation is influenced by two factors. These two factors are the hygiene factors and the motivation factors. These factors greatly influence a person's motivation in the workplace especially when it comes to job satisfaction. Such factors are fringe benefits, relationship with coworkers, physical environment, challenge, and many more.

3. Alderfer's ERG Theory - Clayton Aldefer has expanded the humanistic theory of Maslow. This results in the theory of motivation called ERG theory. ERG theory deals with the human needs that affect any person's behavior and way of thinking. The ERG stands for Existence, Relatedness and Growth. Existence includes the physiological and safety needs of people. The Relatedness pertains to the need of people for love and sense of worth while the Growth in this theory is all about the need of humans for self-actualization.

4. Cognitive Dissonance - is the motivation theory proposed by Leon Festinger. This theory discusses that a person is dissatisfied because of unsuitability between two ideas. For instance, you want to buy a perfume, but there's the tendency that you feel that this perfume is appropriate or inappropriate for you.

5. Self-determination Theory - this theory is conceptualized by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan. This focuses on the concept that humans are motivated because of the encouragement they get from their environment. This theory has identified that the factors that has a great effect to the way people behave is self-sufficiency, positive feedback from people around them and the need for belongingness.

6. Achievement Theory - this theory is states that humans have three basic needs that greatly affect their behavior. These needs are the need for accomplishment, authority and attachment.

7. Goal-setting Theory - this is all about the energy of an individual to reach his goals. The accomplishment of his goals is shaped by three important elements such as convenience, problems associated with achieving your goals and the accurateness of the goal itself.

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About the AuthorThe author of this article writes at Read author's article on personal growth and time management. Subscribe (RSS) to the latest author's self improvement audio articles.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Self Help Motivation - Knowledge is Power

Lack of motivation can completely destroy your day to day life. You have no drive, no enthusiasm for your tasks. It sometime seems the more effort you put in, the less you get back out, so why bother? Sound Familiar? I have some good news for you, it doesn't have to be this way.

The reason you should bother is for your sense of self worth, everyone has times when they struggle, the people who win through have just found better ways of motivating themselves. Try these ideas if you need a little help, soon you will find yourself feeling better, and stronger, more able to handle the things that other people seem to be able to manage without a problem. Then, and only then, are you on the way up! Keep at it and good luck!

Self help Motivation Tip One

Set yourself some goals, some easily attainable, some a little more difficult. Get a picture of your main goal, car, house, whatever, and paste it where you can see it regularly, just a little reminder of where you,re going.

Self help Motivation Tip Two

Set up a deal with yourself, write down your goals on a piece of paper and keep it in your wallet, research has shown that folk who write their aims out are far more likely to achieve them than those who just keep a mental note.

Self help Motivation Tip Three

Decide when and how you intend to achieve these aims, and when you do give yourself a certain reward, something that will spur you on. After all, if you don,t reward your good work why should others? As you feel happier about things try to see other areas you can improve and actually set out to make things happen, rather than just let them happen.The more you achieve the more you`ll be able to handle, it just gets better from here on in.

Self Help Motivation Tip Four

Seek out inspirational books and reports. As I said in the title, Knowledge is Power. These books will give you the enthusiasm to keep trying to improve. You will read of other peoples success stories, their experiences and learn the methods they used to pave their route to the top. The fact that one person has found a way through will give you reassurance that things do not have to stay as they are, others have done it so why not you?

Whatever you want to be, set out your goals, and targets, and JUST DO IT. Aim for the top and never give up. When things seem difficult turn up your determination, the sense of getting through will drive you forward and give you more momentum, during which time you will almost certainly have more success. The momentum will just build and build and in no time you will have achieved your goal. This is the time to set more goals, better targets, more rewards. For a start to your amazing personal comeback go to and download your free copy of Think and Grow Rich, probably one of the best selling books ever showing how the results of dogged determination and motivation take ordinary people, just like us, all the way to the top. Start today, the world is waiting for you. I wish you all the best, and Good Luck. You Can Do It! Geoff Novis

Sunday, 11 April 2010

What is Motivation Really?

Author: Daegan Smith

Motivation is actually the drive to do something, mostly to be productive and to finish whatever task it is that is assigned to you. However, motivation isnít just a word, it isnít just a definition. It is something that can b achieved with will power, and few other steps. Motivation isnít simply deciding on doing something and then starting it. The right motivation is something that doesnít harm anyone and something that drives you from start to finish and a long time after it. Everyone has their share of slumps and bad days, and these are normal, however hard it is to get properly motivated after a failure, it is still the only way to get back o track. So what is motivation? It is a series of steps that you take so that youíll get back your old drive and maybe something even more. Start! As the song said, ìLetís start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.î First youíve got to realize that you do lack motivation, and you should take action. Stop thinking and start moving, either get yourself prepped or get yourself pumped. The fact that youíre reading this probably means that youíve already started the action, and thatís very good. Learn to Act A lesson in one of the Dale Carnegie Training plans state that if you ìact enthusiasticÖ [youíll] be enthusiastic.î Tell yourself youíre excited, be pumped, even if its just in your mind. If jumping for joy, eve if your not very happy, about a new tasks gets your blood pumped then do it. It doesnít matter how big as long as you get it done Start with something small, something easily achievable and then build up confidence. Its just like those computer games where you start at low levels with small rewards, and as you go up every level, you get bigger rewards and bigger challenges. Build up your confidence and then proceed to more challenging activities. Try to beat the game When you start a game, you enter with the goal to finish it, you donít play a game thinking, ok, if I get to level 11 then Iím satisfied, no you aim to beat the game. Thatís how it should be in life, you start small but think big, knowing where you want to go will serve as your guide. Set your Goals and your limitations Thinking big is good, but thinking too big will be suicidal. Going back to the game example, its good to want to beat the game in easy level but wanting to beat the game using a difficult setting when you havenít event done the easy setting yet would be very difficult indeed. Goals are good when they are achievable. Donít be afraid to ask for help Remember the game super Mario Brothers? Itís a really hard game, but then when you get a friend to play with you using the two player setting, it a lot easier to dodge the bullets and to beat Koopa. This should be the same with getting motivated. Youíll also need motivators to help you. There will be times when youíd want to just give up, and its good to have a few back ups to get you back on track when you do. Have a Plan set Have a timeline, a set of short term goals, like finish level 2 by the end of day two or get this equipment before the third trimester. Put your effort into every day of work, be consistent and follow your schedule. Give yourself a reward once in a while It all boils down to what you get when you finish. And basically, the reward system has worked for animals in training and naughty children, so why shouldnít it work for you? Reward yourself for a job well done so that youíll get motivated to be motivated each day. And if worse comes to worst, make the reward your motivation to be motivated. Basically, once you do these steps, your slump should be but a distant memory, all you need to do is to make it a habit. When you trip and fall, your feet donít fall off, they stay, a little bruised and scratched but still usable, all it needs is a little effort to stand back up again.

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About the AuthorDaegan Smith is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. "Learn How To Make $10,717 In Less Than a Week While Quickly And Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization Without EVER Buying a Single Lead?"

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Maintaining Daily Motivation

Every day is a struggle to cut ties with that comfortable pillow you lay with at night. I have trouble talking myself into getting up and ready and instead compromising 5 minute more increments that never leave me enough time to get out of the house in time. However, I've learned that waking up to work is inevitable and instead of complaining about it, I should change my morning routine to a more positive experience.

Don't Fall Asleep Late, or With the TV on

Sleeping late will damage anyone's ability to want to awaken early the next day. Your body needs rest and regardless of any of the following suggestions, sleep is the most vital component your body needs. Also, turn your lights and television off. The light can make sleeping deeply very difficult, thus compromising your full sleep potential.

Push Your Alarm as Far From You as Possible

Most people sleep with their alarms on a nightstand near them. This easily enables you to press that snooze button the second you hear the alarm in the morning. My suggestion is to place the alarm in a spot where you'll be forced to have to get up and walk over to touch it, that way snoozing won't be so easy and habitual. Another perk to setting this clock away from you is that you won't sleep with the bright numerals near your eyes, compromising your rest.

Set Likeable Music as an Alarm

My phone is my alarm, and like most phones, mine has the capability of holding songs I like in it. Every morning I have an upbeat, positive song I like play at 7:30 a.m. Familiar and energetic music can break me out of my slumberous state and happy to begin my day. If you don't have a phone, you can set your radio to a station you like, and you can be awoken by your style of music or favorite morning hosts.

Prepare Your Breakfast/Coffee to Brew the Night Before

Energy is important. You need to eat something, even if its small, and time should not be an excuse to neglect eating. The night before, ration a baggie full of cereal, or hard-boiled eggs, so that you can eat something as you walk around and get ready. If you're a coffee drinker, plan ahead and set the coffee, water, and filter ready to brew the night before. All you have to do is hit the on/brew button, and voila, you can have the smell of fresh caffeine brewing while you're getting ready. You can also take this stuff to go, if eating and coffee drinking is not in your time budget.


Even though getting naked on a cold morning does not sound tempting, you can bet that this will wake you up. For those who save time by showering at night, you may want to sacrifice this time saver so you feel at your most alert and awake. Use your most favorite aromas to arouse your senses.

Set an Incentive for Yourself

Giving yourself perks for successfully waking up and making it to work on time, might be a good reward for keeping you on track. Allow yourself a take-out dinner or massage appointment for staying consistent. This will not reiterate your positive new attitude, but also allow you to appreciate your own accomplishments.

Any changes to your routine, even if small, require new adjustments and effort. But if something does not work for you, it's foolish to continue doing it. Awaking to a more inviting and positive environment can alter your whole day's tone and make your approach to life's other issues much more calmly and conscientiously. That in itself is worth the change.

Susie Medina Health, Movies, and Music Blogger

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Motivation-the 3 Aspects of Human Behavior You Must Know to Succeed

Author: Scott Allen Barker

Motivation can be defined in numerous ways, but there are two basic definitions or descriptions. It can be defined as the main reason or reasons that individuals partake in a certain behavior, specifically human behavior pursuant to the study of psychology or neuropsychology. It can also be defined as the driving force that initiates and drives an individual’s behavior. It is the internal energy that propels us to achieve our goals. Typically, it is considered to be a dynamic state of mind not concerned with personality.There are three aspects of human behavior that motivation is based and founded in:1. arousal of behavior2. direction of behavior3. persistence of behaviorArousal of behavior relates to a specific thing that activates behavior whereas direction of behavior relates to what is responsible for directing the behavior. Persistence of behavior relates to how the behavior is sustained.What drives an individual to be successful is referred to as motive. Usually, all motives fall into one of three categories and are considered to be physiological or psychological in nature: 1. homeostatic motives – hunger, respiration, thirst, etc.2. nonhomeostatic motives – curiosity about the environment, seeking shelter, etc.3. learned or social motives – achievement, approval, power, social affiliation, etc In any endeavor that an individual undertakes, motivation (or the lack thereof) is the key element behind the success or failure of the endeavor. It plays a key role in the workplace where the effective performance of an employee is concerned. Management or supervisory personnel have a direct impact and play a significant role in employee motivation in that they employ different motivational techniques to raise productivity levels. It also follows that this has a direct effect on the cooperation levels between the employer and the employee.Motivation can also be classified as1. negative or positive2. obvious or subtle3. intangible or tangibleEducation or learning is also interrelated with motivation and instructors will oftentimes employ motivational techniques to get their students to learn. It can benefit the student by making them more competent as well as encouraging confidence and the ability to solve problems.Self-motivation has also been classified into two different types:1. Extrinsic – generated by external factors2. Intrinsic – generated by internal sensations and is longer-lasting than extrinsicSelf-motivation is considered to be intrinsic in nature, and originates from an individual’s internal drives. It is the basis for overcoming obstacles in the path of achieving one’s goals. Additionally, certain external factors are responsible for driving a person into undertaking a new project or to move in a positive direction. Characteristically, self-motivation is comprised of three factors:1. beliefs2. desires3. valuesSince an individual cannot rely on others for motivation, self-motivation has to come from within. It plays a key role wherein the individual gathers the courage and strength to achieve certain goals, and is essential for developing new undertakings or making a positive change in one’s lifestyle. Training programs have been proven to be the best way to educate oneself in order to improve motivation and self-motivation.

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Author: Scott Allen Barker